Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Monochromatic Self-Portraits

I am very excited about the 7th and 8th grade's latest project! We are finishing up some wonderful self-portraits, painted in a monochromatic color scheme. 
At the start of the school year, each student created a self-portrait with little instruction from me.  I let them know we would be working on a second self-portrait towards the end of the school year- well here we are at the end of the school year!  They are coming along beautifully, and we are looking forward to comparing this newest portrait to our earlier one. 
We have learned a lot this year, and it's evident in our work!  Here are just a few of the finished ones:

 Here is Alfred's self-portrait from the start of the year next to his latest one (wow!).




Check out our progress! On the left is a self-portrait from the start of the school year, and on the right is the monochromatic self-portrait completed at the end of the school year.